Monday, February 1, 2016

Hollywood Medium's Tyler Henry Predicts Snooki Will Have More Children and 6 More OMG Moments From the Latest Episode

Hollywood Medium 102E!
Tyler Henry always leaves a lasting impression.
On the latest episode of Hollywood Medium With Tyler Henry, the clairvoyant and medical intuitive meets with SnookiMonica Potter and Tom Arnold to uncover some crazy revelations about their loved ones on the other side.
The 20-year-old medium uses his gift deliver surprising baby predictions, sincere apology messages and words of comfort from their family members.
Catch up on the newest episode of Hollywood Medium With Tyler Henry with these seven OMG moments!

Hollywood Medium 102E!
1. Tyler compares Snooki to Oprah Winfrey: Tyler never likes to know which celebrity he's meeting with before a reading, so he received a stellar surprise this time around when he realized he was at Snooki's house! "I walk up the driveway, knock on the door and Snooki answers, and I about fainted," he gushes. "I'm still shaking. It was better than Oprah! It was absolutely ridiculous!" Someone is obviously a huge fan!

2. Snooki freaks out when Tyler connects with her late uncle: The former reality star is shocked by the personal details the clairvoyant is able to pull about her family after connecting with a sentimental teddy bear. "When I connect to this, there's a man that's popping in that's referencing to the fact that he feels as though he actually passed away middle-aged," Tyler tells her. "As he's coming through, he's making a direct connection to your mother, of all people, so I think I'm inclined to go on that side of the family." But he seriously freaks her out when he describes her uncle's distinctive facial hair. "He's joking about the fact that he had a mustache that people used to joke and be like, 'You need to shave that thing,'" he describes. "Stop! I'm getting chills!" she exclaims, before confirming Tyler is correct. "Yes, he had a mustache and he looked like a rapist. Oh my god!"
Hollywood Medium 102E!
3. Tyler predicts Snooki will have more children: During their reading, Tyler also informs Snooki her son Lorenzo will grow up to be "very, very" intuitive. "If anyone in your family is really going to see your loved ones that would have passed away, it's him," he reveals. Then, he tells her she's not finished having kids! Snooki isn't happy with that news until Tyler reveals it will be a baby boy. "A boy! I want two more boys," she confesses. "No more girls. They're going to be sluts, I know it." LOL!

4. Monica Potter receives an apology from her father: Tyler is able to offer theParenthood actress a little bit of comfort when he delivers a message from her father, who died of a massive heart attack. "He's acknowledging he was stubborn and he's also talking about the fact that he was afraid," Tyler says. "He's expressing an apology for his passing. It's not his fault that he died, but he's saying multiple people were very proactive in being like, 'You really should see a doctor. You should get a checkup.'" Monica tears up and admits her mom and sisters all tried to help him, but he refused. "He knew he had the problem and he wouldn't get it fixed," she says. "He wouldn't get the angioplasty because he was afraid and he was stubborn, so you nailed it. You know, he was my best friend."
Hollywood Medium 102E!
5. Tyler leaves Monica speechless when he mentions dimes: While communicating with Monica's dad, Tyler explains he's referencing the March of Dimes. Monica immediately gets a shocked look on her face. "Stop," she says. She reveals, "He sends me dimes and he always supported the March of Dimes. But I will find a dime a lot by itself once a week and I know it's from him. I have a huge bag of dimes that I've collected and found."
Hollywood Medium 102E!
6. Tyler converts another skeptic: Tom Arnold was initially doubtful before his meeting with Tyler, but his mind is completely changed by the end. During his reading, Tyler connects with Tom's aunt and mom and reveals information the actor had never told anyone. Tom is also curious about whether or not he will have another child with his wife. "It does look as though that is possible," Tyler tells him. "Generally when I see fertility issues, I usually go to the woman. In your case, it would be going to you." But he reiterates, "With help or assistance, it does look possible in some form." And sure enough, Tom confirms two months later that Tyler is correct in his prediction and the couple is expecting a baby girl!
Hollywood Medium 102E!
7. Tyler reads Monica's childhood home: After their first meeting, Monica asks Tyler if he would be open to flying to Cleveland to do a reading on her childhood home. When he arrives, he is immediately drawn to a closet upstairs. "That's so weird," he says. "I have the full-body chills right here." Monica's sisters start to scream and freak out. They reveal the closet would open on its own every single night for no reason when they were growing up. Luckily, Tyler tells them the energy doesn't exist there anymore. Whew!
Then, Tyler walks down to the basement and gets a vision of Monica's father working at his bench. He finally tells Monica her dad is so proud of everything she's accomplished. "To actually go to her childhood home, I couldn't help but get a feeling from Monica's dad as he was coming through of just a pride in a continuation of his legacy," Tyler says. "Though to me it was obvious, I think it was something Monica wasn't completely aware of and I think it was something she needed to hear."

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